Rich vs Poor: How Can We Help? Karl Marx was a philosopher and intellectual thinker from Germany during the 1800s. He, along with a group that shared his beliefs, published The Communist Manifesto, a book that stated their ideal government. Marx opens the paper by stating that every new form of government needs to be properly introduced to the minds of society, so that they can be informed when they make their decision on the effectiveness of the government type. He then continues the book by demonstrating two different classes: bourgeoisie and proletariat. While the bourgeoisie are the upper class and are receiving the most credit and capital from the ventures of the city, the proletariat class are workers and live only by the jobs they acquire. While the working class is being overwhelmed trying to keep up with the growing demand for their products, the upper class still moves the industry faster and further. This expansion of the world market for goods may lead to the working...
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