Bacon and Darwin
From the beginning of time, humankind has always tried to reason how the world around them came to be. Francis Bacon studied the reasons people use idols to explain their world. Idols are things that people worship as creators of the world and everything in it and ensures everything stays in balance. Idol is an appropriate word to use for this definition. There are many idols in Bacon's works such as the idols of the cave, marketplace, and theater. If we were to place theses in ranking of importance they would be as follows: the cave, the marketplace, the theater. This is due to the things that they believe each idol is in control of. The idol of the cave is over the land where people can grow good and make a living. Next, the idol of the marketplace allows the success and tranquility of all transactions in the market. This idol is the result of social intercourse, or communication. Finally, the idol of the theater allows personal pleasure from art. This idol allows individuals to reflect how they feel internally into a form of act for yourself and others to analyze. This idol also may provide people the opportunity to avoid gathering any true knowledge. Idols have a heavy influence on society a majority of the time; therefore, if someone were to be restricted by society its self, they would be expected to allow the idols to influence their actions. On the other hand, if a hermit, someone that has limited social interactions, would be free from the idols, but, at the same time, they are restricted by the lack of communication and social interactions.
rwin is an extremely famous scientist that studied and in most credited with making the theory of evolution popular. His most famous project is "Survival of the Fittest". This means that individuals that are the best suited for the environment are more likely to survive longer. In his scientific journal, Darwin studied a species of bird from the Galapagos island that evolved different shaped beaks best suited for the food supply. This principle is used in breeding for animal products. For example, beef producers are trying to have more yield per animal, so they combine different breeds in order to get the qualities desired. While these two are very similar, breeding to get certain qualities is much more direct than the slow and left up to chance than evolution. Technology is always trying to reach toward the future, but it may not always be best for the natural order of the world. Cloning is effective if one has found a favorable animal; however, the use of cloning will decrease natural selection because every animal will be the same without genetic variation. This has a large possibility to lead to overpopulations and, eventually the co
llapse of entire ecosystems. While these principles are mostly thought of as effecting animals, humans also fall into survival of the fittest on our most primitive level. As we advance socially, social policies and modern social welfare have created more effective medicine which has increased the population dramatically. While it is imperative that each human treats the other with respect and kindness this is also leading to a growing population and less food supply. The use of modern technology often makes task more efficient if the humans are largely uninvolved. For this reason, people are becoming more reliant on others to care for things while they are becoming more unfit to survive alone.

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