Rich vs Poor: How Can We Help?

Karl Marx was a philosopher and intellectual thinker from Germany during the 1800s. He, along with a group that shared his beliefs, published The Communist Manifesto, a book that stated their ideal government. Marx opens the paper by stating that every new form of government needs to be properly introduced to the minds of society, so that they can be informed when they make their decision on the effectiveness of the government type. He then continues the book by demonstrating two different classes: bourgeoisie and proletariat. While the bourgeoisie are the upper class and are receiving the most credit and capital from the ventures of the city, the proletariat class are workers and live only by the jobs they acquire. While the working class is being overwhelmed trying to keep up with the growing demand for their products, the upper class still moves the industry faster and further. This expansion of the world market for goods may lead to the working class to feel used and under appreciate, and may lead to an uprising if they are not cared for by the upper class. On the other hand, if the wealth acquired from the expansion was dispersed fairly, the entire country would benefit from the growth. Marx believes that if communism was to be used in the bourgeoises’ and proletariat’s society then the proletariats would be given the same amount of reward as the bourgeoises from the markets. This would cause the entire society to be in an equal class of proletariats. Everyone would work equally for their pay, and there would be no need for any uprising because everyone would be equal. 

            Andrew Carnegie was a famous industrial revolution leader. He was the head of the steel industry during the industrial revolution and a philanthropist. He wrote The Gospel of Wealth, and in this he discussed how the lives of the rich and poor have been improved by science and capitalism. He also explains the discord between the classes. He believes that whatever is earned by a person should remain theirs. If someone makes more than another it is their right to keep what they have. However, if someone is to get something they must work for it. He believed that if the rich just gave their money to the poor or leave money to another when they die it may be mishandled or do more harm than good. However, the rich much live modestly and leave money for their heirs. It is important to instill the knowledge of hard work. Both classes must be willing to work together to raise up the communities standing. This involves the upper class being willing to help those that need it and the lower class working hard to provide for themselves without the need for help. Wealthy people would be glad to follow Carnegie’s example; it would be beneficial if every individual values hard work. This would lead to more harmony between the classes and a stronger community.  

Many people share in Andrew Carnegie’s view on wealth. Bill Gates, the developer of Microsoft, even went as far as to quote Carnegie’s The Gospel of Wealth. He then left his position at Microsoft and is devoting his life and wealth to the less fortunate. I do not think that this will solve the problem between the rich and poor. While Bill Gates is the richest man on earth, his wealth alone cannot overcome the poverty of the world. It would take the principle of Communism to solve the problem completely. However, there is no real example of Communism in action. Many people allow greed to overcome them and leave the people with nothing while a small group has all of the wealth.


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