The Formation of Capitalism and the Role of Agriculture.
Adam Smith was known as the "father of economics". This is because he is both credited and blamed for creating modern capitalism. His most well-known work is Natural Progress of Opulence. In this work, Smith writes of how he believes the perfect government should function and how it should handle the goods industry. He states that all societies should be focused around economic trade. He defends his argument by explaining how everything that makes a functioning society is reliant on the production and trade of all goods. I agree with this part of his idea because every seemingly small job has a very large impact on the rest of the country. One industry cannot thrive without the other industries existing. Through this work Smith explained, in great detail, how he believes the country developed capitalism type of functioning. He also explain how more developed countries are much richer than less developed countries. If there is an equal bearing of work in the production of goods then there is a better chance of the industry thriving.

Every great industry must have a strong base to support its growth. As in any other industry, the base is agriculture. Without agriculture there would be no food or resources for any other products to be created. Smith states in his essay that the first use of capital by the government should be to help the agricultural field succeed more. I agree with this thought. We rely on agriculture more than any other industry, and if we wish for our society to continue at the current rate of production and trade then we must put agriculture at the top of the list of priorities.
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